Competencies applied in the creation, activation, and management of brands, based on the best market practices.
Develops skills applied in the creation, activation, and management of brands, based on the best market practices.
A comunicação digital é uma condição sine qua non para o sucesso de qualquer marca. O sufixo 5.0 reflete a necessidade de trabalhar com novas ferramentas em novos ambientes para atingir eficazmente novos mercados e novas audiências.
Digital communication is a sine qua non condition for the success of any brand. The suffix 5.0 reflects the need to work with new tools in new environments in order to effectively reach new markets and new audiences.
A practical component that provides direct contact with the market, through the faculty and the opportunity to create a portfolio for presentation in a pitch format to professionals in the advertising industry.
Specialized training that allows the acquisition of skills applied to digital journalism, based on best practices and taught by a faculty with proven experience in the field.