Specialized training that allows the acquisition of skills applied to digital journalism, based on best practices and taught by a faculty with proven experience in the field.
Integration of social media with content marketing in a unique program that aims to understand and better utilize them to ensure the success of brand management and communication.
A comunicação digital é uma condição sine qua non para o sucesso de qualquer marca. O sufixo 5.0 reflete a necessidade de trabalhar com novas ferramentas em novos ambientes para atingir eficazmente novos mercados e novas audiências.
Development of skills that enable mastering essential techniques in Web Design with a user-centered UX approach and a focus on the current market.
Specialized training that enables the acquisition of skills applied to marketing and creativity, based on best practices, and taught by a faculty with proven experience in the field.
Solid training in areas such as visual design, interface design, information architecture, UX (User Experience), project management, and team leadership.
Development of skills that enable the acquisition of programming skills and their application in various creative fields.
A program with a strong branding component that provides knowledge in photography and video for social media and web publishing.
A practical component that provides direct contact with the market, through the faculty and the opportunity to create a portfolio for presentation in a pitch format to professionals in the advertising industry.
Competencies applied in the creation, activation, and management of brands, based on the best market practices.