Fábrica IADE

Support units 

  • Support units 


These are development spaces within the University, that have access to the tools and technical equipment which facilitate project development. They support the students and teachers in an academic context and help Fábrica-IADE’s project teams to produce different projects.

All of our laboratories have specialised equipment to support and ensure the quality and progression of projects.

Studio Lab


The Studio Lab is the Fábrica’s and IADE’s atelier. It is mainly dedicated to the area of Design and is complemented by other scientific areas within IADE (Technology, Marketing and Communication), and it develops and advertises the faculty’s portfolio.

Team: Alexandre Magalhães + Resident Students


Email: studiolab.iade@universidadeeuropeia.pt

Location: IADE | Floor 3 | Room 36

Digital Lab


Digital interfaces | Web Design

The Digital Lab's mission is to ensure the facilitation and the progression of digital communication projects in a laboratory context, in particular, those with a Web focus. It presents itself as a supporting laboratory for projects started in the Fábrica, and particularly as a space designed to stimulate creative thinking and problem solving for digital ecosystems in a collaborative and transdisciplinary manner.

Team: Bruno Nobre


Email: digitallab.iade@universidadeeuropeia.pt

Location: IADE | 3rd Floor | Room 35

3D Lab


3D printing | Models & Prototypes

The 3D Lab is full of material and human resources, in order to facilitate the materialisation of ideas and projects through life-like material models (physical and numerical).

It has 4 3D Zortax printers; 1 3D Uprint printer; 1 CNC Milling Machine with 2 axis Opticut Knuth; 1 CNC Milling Machine with 4 axis Roland; 1 Portlaser Laser Cutter; 1 Roland Cut Plotter, and various manually controlled devices.

Team: Diamantino Abreu (Professor/Coordinator), Miguel Neves (Technician), Rúben Martins (Technician), Vasco Milne (Professor).


Email: 3dlab.iade@universidadeeuropeia.pt

Location: IADE | Floor 1 | Room 17

Media Lab


Photography | Analog & Digital | Video | Sound | Radio & TV

The Media Lab is a support lab for the students and teachers at IADE in key photography and audio-visual areas, inside and outside of the classroom, both for Digital and Analogical Processes.

The 1st floor has 3 fully equipped studios; 1 sound booth; 1 reproduction table for flat objects; 1 P&B analogic laboratory; 1 P&B dark room; 1 room with scanners for negatives and high-quality printing; photography equipment for small and large formats, both analogical as well as digital. On the 4th floor there is 1 multipurpose studio for radio and TV with a Visual Radio solution by Multicam Systems; 4 PTZ camaras (roboticized); camara with teleprompter on a tripod with dolly, 10 editorial positions with Apple iMac duly equipped with Adobe Creative Cloud software; 1 autonomous editing room equipped with 2 workstations; technical centre.


  • Guilherme Alberto (Technician - Floor 4)
  • Mário Brás (Technician - Floor -1)
  • Paulo Andrade (Technician - Floor -1)
  • Pedro Rodrigues (Technician - Floor -1)


Email: medialab.iade@universidadeeuropeia.pt

Location: IADE | Floor -1 | Photography, Analogue & Digital, Video and Sound

4th Floor | Rooms 40 and 41 | Radio & TV

Print Lab

Printing | Serigraphy | Typography | Engraving

The Print Lab is a workshop department designed to be an independent space which is open to all, and focused on experimentation and the production of posters, textile printing, books and other mediums. It aims to establish a learning environment in an open workshop setting.

It is equipped with 2 120x190 serigraph machines; 2 serigraph carousels; 1 Korrex 50x70 printing press; 1 engraving press; 1 Epson P800 film printer.

Team: João Flecha (Technician), Filipa Oliveira (Technician)


Email: printlab.iade@universidadeeuropeia.pt

Location: IADE | Floor 3 | Rooms 30 and 31

Tech Lab


Development of Games | Projects | Creativity | Technology

The Tech Lab is a multidisciplinary and multimodule space that supports and reinforces the teaching and learning processes for the Development of Games and Applications.

It is equipped with computers configured with specialised software.

Team: José Graça (Technician)


Email: techlab.iade@universidadeeuropeia.pt

Location: IADE | Floor 1 | Rooms 13 and 14


The Observatory is a laboratory that operates off campus, which has the identification of trends and profiles for education and the job market as its main objective and focus.

Through the observation and interaction with different stakeholders in several contexts - teachers, students and employers – it identifies, analyses and determines routes and lines of action for future teaching and labour market needs.

It connects the university to the external world, companies and civil societies, contributing with inputs to enable the updating of its academic offering and reviewing the strategy of its main scientific areas.


Email: observatorio.iade@universidadeeuropeia.pt

Location: IADE | 3rd Floor | Room 35

Special Projects

The Special Projects unit is the point of contact between the students, teachers and partners. It links IADE to the job market and civil society - it is the main entry point, bar none, for partnerships - filtering and monitoring the projects across different areas.

Team: Ângela Silvestre, Sónia André


Email: fabrica.iade@universidadeeuropeia.pt

Location: IADE | 3rd Floor | Room 35