UNIDCOM/IADE project wins “Prémio Eixo ODS 14 - Proteger a Vida Marinha”

1 novembro 2023

Professors Carlos Duarte and Isabel Farinha are the faces of yet another recognition for the European University.

The UNIDCOM/IADE research project, called the "Blue Circular PostBranding Project", was awarded the “Prémio Eixo ODS 14 – Proteger a Vida Marinha”, promoted by APEE, the Portuguese Association of Business Ethics. The award was presented at the 9th edition of the "Recognition of Social Responsibility and Sustainability Practices".

The UNIDCOM/IADE research project aims to develop the transformation of waste discarded daily into something new and valuable, capable of promoting conscious and globally sustainable consumption. The "Blue Circular PostBranding Project", which is being carried out as a pilot project at the Cascais Captaincy, Cascais and Ericeira fishing ports, with co-funding from the Mar2020 Program, involves academia, the fishing community, civil society, the political and business spheres. It is based on another project called "Fishing for a sea without garbage" promoted by Docapesca - Portos e Lotas, S.A. with the support of APLM - Portuguese Marine Litter Association.

You can find out more about this project in a video made in May, on European Maritime Day and National Fishermen's Day.

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